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Finding fulfillment in your career

Feeling stuck in your career? It’s frustrating to go through the monotonous cycle of waking up every morning and spending the whole day at a job that doesn’t give you joy. At the end of the day, you’re left feeling empty and grumbling. When you work in a career that you don’t find fulfillment, you regularly see its faults more than upsides.

According to EHS Today, 84% of workers in the US and Canada sometimes feel trapped at their place of work and would want to find another position elsewhere.

In case you find yourself in such a position, what are some of the things you can do to change the tide and find satisfaction in your career?

Attach what you do to your purpose

Why do you do what you do? What is your aim in the grand scheme of things? What are you living for? If you go to work for a monthly paycheck to pay your bills and live by, eventually your life will feel empty. You should find something that’s beyond you and work towards it.

For example, a friend of mine decided to educate a young girl in her village. This girl comes from a very humble background and her single mother can’t afford her high school education and other needs. Every time she goes to work, helping this girl is always on her mind. Her joy is fulfilled when she sees this girl going to school and working towards a brighter future.

No amount of money is too small to impact the world around you. Additionally, you can use your skills and avail your time to help people around you and make a mark in society. Fulfillment will come when you live a life that is beyond you and influences other lives.

Learn to say no and don’t bite more than you can chew

One of the surest ways of getting perpetually frustrated in your career is by taking more than you can honestly handle. It’s easy to fall prey to the notion that too much work gives you fulfillment. On the contrary, this weighs you down. When you invest too much of your time and effort into work, other important aspects of your life are negatively affected. It’ll drain you and leave you emptier and demotivated.

Develop the internal ability to be assertive and say no to things that you know you can’t handle. It’s hard at first because you’re used to taking a lot. But you have to consider the benefits of taking on manageable workloads. First and foremost, you can plan your time and you’re able to give quality.

Secondly, it frees time for you to have for self-improvement and time with family.

That is why you should prioritize work-life balance if you want to find fulfillment in what you do. Organize your work and establish boundaries such that no matter how much work you need to catch up on, your time won’t be affected.

View what you do as a portfolio

Consider your career as a portfolio that you will use in the future. While working you’re gaining experience, you’re building your reputation, and building networks that will be instrumental in the future. This will inspire you to put in a lot of effort to give quality work. In a real sense, you’ll be working for yourself and your future as opposed to working for your boss.

With this new impetus, you’ll resolve to achieve results and extraordinary feats because you have a goal in mind. Suddenly, your current job will no longer feel like a chore you have to finish. But as a stepping stone into the success of the future.

Make time for something you love doing

Do you love cooking? Or do you love teaching? Maybe you also love mentoring young people. Create time in your weekly routine to pursue this passion even if it’s not your full-time career. This will give you something to look forward to every week or every month.

The more you do it voluntarily, you perfect it. It can grow to become a full-time career. Kenyan businessman Julian Kyula says that he does business because it financially facilitates him to become a preacher.

He says that he never depends on his passion for preaching for a living because business takes care of his needs. That gives him fulfillment because both vocations symbiotically benefit each other.

Keep on self-improving and learning

Never stop learning and growing no matter what happens. When you finish one course, do another and grow your skills. One of my teachers in grade school always said that learning never stops in life. Since you’ll never reach a place of infinite growth and knowledge, there will always be room for improvement.

Secondly, interact with people who have already achieved a goal or a milestone that you desire to reach someday. When you surround yourself with such great company, you'll aspire to get to that level. Whatever it takes you’ll put in the necessary effort to get to their level.

Spontaneously, this takes away the monotony of a work routine that doesn’t fulfill you. Because you’re becoming a better version of yourself.


Fulfillment is not a Utopian idea neither is it too far for you to reach it. All you need to do is to be intentional about achieving it. Reflect on what you can do to find satisfaction in your career and go hard after it.

Are you ready to take your career to the next level? I invite you to book a discovery call with me here

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